What is ESG Management?

‘ESG’ refers to environment, social and governance which are non-financial elements of corporations and,
ESG management is an approach corporations take to pursue sustainable growth through eco-friendly,
socially responsible and transparent business management practices.

Eco-Friendly Practices, Climate Change Responses & Energy Conservation, Recycling




Eco-Friendly Practices,
Climate Change Responses &
Energy Conservation,



Socially Responsible Business Management,
Improving Working Conditions



Transparent Business Management,
Regulatory Compliance and Ethics

Key Tasks

Eco-Friendly Management (Environment)

  • Increasing the ratio of green product purchases
  • Reducing toxic substances such as carbon and greenhouse gases
  • Reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency
  • Reducing waste generated from business events
  • Maintain Earth Check (Eco-Friendly Travel and Tourism Certification) GOLD Certification for 4 consecutive years

Socially Responsible Management (Social)

  • Improving employee and customer satisfactions
  • Improving industrial disaster management and employee welfare
  • Increasing social responsibility projects
  • Increasing purchases of products from social corporations or businesses owned or operated by a person with a disability

Transparent Management (Governance)

  • Enhancing fairness in selecting the board of directors and executives
  • Enhancing prevention of unfair practices and corruption
  • Improving of Business Ethics Policy
  • Management of scores in public organizations’ integrity assessments